

Security Systems: Insecure?


An excellent timely post by Geoff Kohl in the SIA Newsletter.  Great advice for Physical Security practitioners.  Here’s a quick summary (with my comments bulletised): Imagine having to confess (in headline news) that a former employee was able to get into your surveillance system because, the passwords hadn’t been rotated!!!  Human Element as the Weak Link […]

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Implementing NIST 2.0 (For the OT Implementors) Part 2/5 – “Identify”: CSF 2.0 for your Edge Landscape – Identify / Inventory


Part 1 Recap: Expanding Risk Management for the Growing Edge In my last post, we discussed how NIST CSF 2.0 goes beyond cybersecurity risks to encompass a broader spectrum of threats to an organization, essentially defining and managing risks. These can be financial, supply chain, reputational, technological, or physical. This series aims to provide a

Implementing NIST 2.0 (For the OT Implementors) Part 2/5 – “Identify”: CSF 2.0 for your Edge Landscape – Identify / Inventory Read More »

Implementing NIST 2.0 for the business ops folks out there – (1/5)


If your enterprise lives in the kind of retro-analog-world in the picture, you have nothing to worry. For the rest of us, enterprise mortals, the edge in all its glorious innovations is helping us with new experiences, new models of service etc., etc., BUT, behind the scenes are operational and security folks working hard to

Implementing NIST 2.0 for the business ops folks out there – (1/5) Read More »

Navigating the Digital Experience (DEX) Revolution: The Path to Seamless Automation using AIoT

Article NeuralEdge

In today’s hyper-digital world, delivering exceptional user experiences is more critical than ever. We are at the crossroads of physical and digital realities, where everyday interactions are increasingly powered by digital tools. As the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) rapidly converge, the right platform can be a game-changer for automation and transformation

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Top Challenges in IoT Security: Insights from Forrester’s 2024 Report

Article Solution Defend

In today’s hyper-connected world, where emerging threats lurk around every corner, securing Edge and IoT devices has never been more critical. Increase in global adoption of Edge / IoT devices is contributing to the rising cybercrime rates, as they become prime targets for cyberattacks. According to the recent Forrester report, the spotlight is on the

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Make securing your edge an essential part of your Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) program


A recent Gartner® study, “Implement a Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program” revealed that enterprises fail at reducing their exposure to threats through self-assessment of risks because of unrealistic, siloed and tool-centric approaches. They recommend that the security and risk management leaders must initiate and mature a continuous threat exposure management program to stay ahead

Make securing your edge an essential part of your Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM) program Read More »

Why Embrace Edge Computing in India: A Crucial Imperative


(Spoiler Alert: This may not answer all your questions, but may help you ask more questions) When Ray O’Farrell appeared before a Congressional committee in October 2017, little did he (or the legislators) imagine that our world would turn out the way it did, in just a few years. But he had made some interesting statements about

Why Embrace Edge Computing in India: A Crucial Imperative Read More »

The Edge Pendulum


Someone asked recently, is the edge pendulum swinging? I looked at the person surprised, because this strong trend has been unfolding for a few years now, evident by investments by large compute providers like hardware servers, suppliers of edge compute / gateways and edge software stack for the edge, like Redhat, who are all betting on

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Got Edge ?


This is not about all the edges in human existence, that’s another post coming soon, a prequel.  This one is about raising awareness to the fact we need awareness about all the devices in our lives – at the edge of our peripheral vision. If you have a role related to #security, #safety of assets (physical

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