
Got Edge ?

Home > Blog > Got Edge ?

By admin

-- September 20, 2024

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This is not about all the edges in human existence, that’s another post coming soon, a prequel.  This one is about raising awareness to the fact we need awareness about all the devices in our lives – at the edge of our peripheral vision.

If you have a role related to #security, #safety of assets (physical or digital), you may want to run a discovery program. [Contact us for a free download. Run first at home and get over the shock of what you will discover].

Enterprises are in a rush to understand their customers (at their edge) and keep their employees motivated & safe. Our workspaces are becoming increasingly “sensory” and device driven. An average conference room may have, in the room, a dozen devices and dozen more in the ceiling. Almost all of them focused on delivering the best experience to its users. But they are all point solutions – built to do the just one functionality really well, that customers paid for.

These point solutions mostly work well. In isolation. But having seen so many of them – the primary concern today is:

·     Are these devices actually up and running?

·     Are these devices not creating a “security hole”? 

·     Do these devices contain software upgrades that need upgrading?

·     What are these devices actually running?

·     If something goes wrong, when will I learn about it? 

·     If something goes wrong, what are my action options?

·     How can I get them to work better, together (Aha, a sociological problem?)

·     This list can be long. And scary. 

The point is – you got to know what’s at your edge. For enterprises, critical infrastructure is getting farther and farther away from centralized systems, wherever it’s running.

In part 3 of this series, I will cover why is this edge complex and what to do about it.

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