
Computers on Wheels/Walls: Updates Needed!!!

Home > Blog > Computers on Wheels/Walls: Updates Needed!!!

By admin

-- September 16, 2024

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Cars are rolling computers… (

This striking article by Aarial Marshall, uncovers a looming crisis in the automotive world: modern cars, now “computers on wheels,” are losing vital software support as outdated networks like 3G are shut down. As a result, drivers are left without essential services such as remote start and emergency assistance, highlighting a major flaw in the industry’s adaptation to rapid technological changes – software updates!.

However, imagine if we had to worry about so many more “connected things” in our lives (home and office) that are “complex computers on the wall” waiting for updates that may never happen! 

In the enterprise world, there are 000s of devices that are outside the traditional IT control, that never get updated. 


  • No one has a complete/accurate count of where these “things” are, and in what form they exist!! Zero visibility!
  • And, how to go around updating those myriad devices? What are they running?
  • And, how do we do it, without bringing down the business?

Is this a ticking time bomb? Whose neck is on the line? Who becomes liable in case something bad happens?

In a subsequent post we will talk about what enterprises are doing, and will share the discipline of gaining visibility and performing basic cyberhygiene activities

But if one had to call out, scream attention through # tags, here is the population to be covered… 

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